Company Formation in Turkey

7 Steps For Company Formation in Turkey

Step 1: Choose Your Legal Structure

Decide on the most suitable structure for your needs. Limited Liability Company (LTD or LLC in Turkish: Limited Şirket) is common for most businesses, but a Joint-Stock Company (AŞ) might be better for larger enterprises seeking public investment. Each has different minimum capital requirements.

Step 2: Prepare Your Establishment Documents

Gather the necessary documents to register your company:

  • Articles of Association (AOA): This legal document outlines your company’s name, purpose, share capital, management structure, and other vital details.
  • Tax Identification Number: Obtain a tax identification number for your company from the local tax office.
  • Memorandum of Partnership (if applicable): For partnerships within the LLC structure, this document outlines profit-sharing, voting rights, and dispute resolution procedures.

Step 3: Reserve Your Company Name

Ensure your chosen company name is unique and available before proceeding with registration. You can check availability through the MERSIS system.

Step 4: Notarize Your Articles of Association

Have your AOA officially notarized by a public notary to validate its authenticity.

Step 5: Register with the MERSIS System

The MERSIS (Merkezi Sicil Ticaret Sicili Sistemi) is Turkey’s online Trade Registry System. Register your company electronically through MERSIS after having your AOA notarized.

Step 6: Open a Corporate Bank Account

After successful registration, deposit the minimum share capital (varies depending on your chosen legal structure) into a corporate bank account. This deposit serves as proof of initial company funds.

Step 7: Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Depending on your industry, secure any required licenses or permits for operation. You can find specific requirements through relevant government agencies or professional guidance.

Find out details of every step:

1. Choose the Right Business Structure

Okay, let’s break down the first step in a simple way.

Imagine you’re starting a club with your friends. The first thing you need to decide is how the club is going to work – who’s in charge, how decisions are made, and who gets what responsibilities.

In business, this is called “choosing the right business structure.” It’s like deciding the rules for your club.

Here are a few options:

LLC Company Formation

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

In the context of a business, an LLC offers a flexible and collaborative structure. It establishes a distinct legal entity, shielding individual members from personal liability for business debts. This structure promotes teamwork while providing a layer of protection for the personal assets of its members.

joint stock company

Joint-Stock Company (JSC)

A JSC is a corporate entity where ownership is represented by shares of stock. Investors can purchase shares, becoming shareholders with a stake in the company’s success. This structure allows for broader ownership and the ability to raise capital by issuing shares, fostering investment and growth opportunities.

branch office

Branch Office

Operating as a branch office implies an extension of a parent company. The branch follows the directives and governance of the main office, maintaining a cohesive approach to business operations. This structure is often chosen for enterprises seeking a unified presence in different geographical locations while retaining centralized control.

Choosing the type of company is like deciding what kind of team you want for your club – a close-knit group (LLC), a popular club with shared ownership (JSC), or part of a larger family of clubs (Branch Office). Each type has its own style, and you pick the one that suits your business dreams the best!

2. Reserve Your Business Name

In the business world, naming your company is like giving it a unique identity, just like a person’s name. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the second step – reserving your business name:

Uniqueness Matters:

Your business name should stand out and be different from others. It’s like making sure you have a distinctive personality in a crowd. Check with the Trade Registry Gazette to see if your chosen name is unique and not already taken.

Legal Compliance:

Like obeying rules, your business name must comply with Turkish regulations. Ensure it follows the legal requirements set by authorities. This could involve restrictions on certain words or phrases, so it’s crucial to understand and adhere to these guidelines.

Reserve Early:

Just as you’d want to secure a good seat for a show, reserving your business name early is essential. This prevents others from using the same name during your application process. The Trade Registry Gazette is your reservation spot – go there to make sure your business name is yours and yours alone.

Think Future-Proof:

Consider the long term. Your business name should reflect what you do but also leave room for growth. It’s like picking an outfit that suits not just today but the future occasions too. Ensure your chosen name aligns with your business goals and can evolve as your company expands.

Trademark Check:

Just as you’d check if a hashtag is already trending, make sure your business name isn’t already trademarked. Trademarks protect certain words or symbols, and using someone else’s could lead to legal trouble. So, before you finalize your business name, do a thorough check to avoid complications later.

Online Presence:

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial. Check if the domain (website address) for your business name is available. This is like reserving a piece of virtual land for your business. It ensures consistency and helps customers find you easily online.

Remember, reserving your business name is like choosing the perfect name for a character in a story – it should be unique, legally compliant, and have the potential to resonate with your audience. Taking the time to carefully select and reserve your business name sets the stage for a strong and recognizable brand presence in the market.

3. Prepare Necessary Documentation

In the meticulous process of establishing your business in Turkey, the third step demands careful preparation of essential documentation. Consider this step as the administrative groundwork vital for the legitimacy and functionality of your enterprise. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown:
  1. Articles of Association:
    • The Articles of Association serve as the constitutional document for your business. Think of it as the rulebook that outlines how your company will be run. This document details crucial aspects such as the company’s purpose, structure, management procedures, and how profits and losses will be distributed among stakeholders. It is a cornerstone document required during the registration process.

  2. Notarized Copy of Passport:
    • Providing a notarized copy of your passport is akin to presenting your official identification. This step ensures transparency and legitimacy in business dealings. It is a standard practice to verify the identity of those involved in the business, assuring regulatory authorities and partners that the individuals are authorized and accountable.

  3. Tax Identification Number (TIN):
    • Obtaining a Tax Identification Number (TIN) is paramount for your business to engage in legal and tax-related activities. Similar to an individual’s social security number, the TIN uniquely identifies your business for tax purposes. It is required for compliance with tax regulations, facilitating financial transactions, and ensuring proper adherence to fiscal responsibilities.

  4. Registered Company Address:
    • Every business needs a physical location for official correspondence and legal purposes. The registered company address serves this crucial function. It is the designated location where official documents, legal notices, and regulatory communications will be sent. Ensuring accuracy and compliance with regulations regarding the registered address is imperative for maintaining transparency and meeting legal requirements.

  5. Turkish Bank Account for Capital Deposit:
    • Opening a Turkish bank account dedicated to your business is not just a procedural formality; it is a strategic and operational necessity. This account is where you deposit the initial capital required to initiate your business activities. It becomes the financial nerve center for transactions, ensuring a clear distinction between personal and business finances.

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4. Register Your Company

Moving forward in the journey of establishing your business in Turkey, the fourth step is the pivotal act of registering your company. This process involves formalizing your business with the relevant authorities. Here’s a detailed guide to navigate through this crucial stage:

    1. Initiate the Registration Process:
      • Registering your company involves submitting all the meticulously prepared documentation to the Trade Registry Office. This is the starting point of the formal acknowledgment of your business entity. Ensure that your paperwork is comprehensive, accurate, and aligns with the legal requirements.


    1. Trade Registry Office:
      • The Trade Registry Office is the official body overseeing the registration of businesses. Think of it as the gatekeeper that validates the legitimacy of your enterprise. Submit your documents to this authority, and they will review, verify, and officially record your business in the registry.


    1. Efficiency is Key:
      • Efficiency in submitting your documents and fulfilling the registration requirements is vital. The smoother this process, the quicker you can move on to actively conducting business operations. Timely and accurate submission facilitates a seamless registration experience.


    1. Legal Compliance Check:
      • The Trade Registry Office conducts a thorough examination of your documentation to ensure legal compliance. This involves verifying that your business structure, articles of association, and other particulars adhere to Turkish regulations. Any discrepancies or missing information may cause delays or complications in the registration process.


    1. Approval and Certificate Issuance:
      • Upon successful review and verification, the Trade Registry Office grants approval for your company registration. You will receive a certificate of incorporation, affirming your business’s legal existence. This certificate is a crucial document that attests to your business’s official recognition.


    1. Publication in the Trade Registry Gazette:
      • A formal announcement of your company’s registration is published in the Trade Registry Gazette. Think of this as your business making its debut in the official business arena. This publication serves as public notice, ensuring transparency and informing stakeholders about your company’s establishment.


  1. Commencement of Business Activities:
    • With the certificate of incorporation in hand and your business officially registered, you are now authorized to commence business activities in Turkey. This includes engaging with clients, entering contracts, and conducting day-to-day operations.

5. Obtain Licenses and Permits

Having successfully registered your company, the fifth step involves obtaining the necessary licenses and permits. These legal authorizations are akin to the stamps of approval that enable your business to operate lawfully and in compliance with regulations. Here’s a detailed breakdown of this essential step:

    1. Identify Industry-Specific Requirements:
      • Different industries may have distinct licensing requirements. Research and identify the specific licenses and permits relevant to your business activities. This could include sector-specific regulations related to health, safety, environment, or other specialized criteria.


    1. Consult Regulatory Authorities:
      • Reach out to the relevant regulatory authorities to gain a clear understanding of the specific licenses your business needs. These authorities are the gatekeepers of industry compliance and can provide guidance on the application process and any additional requirements.


    1. Application Submission:
      • Prepare a comprehensive application, ensuring that all required documentation is complete and accurate. Submit the application to the respective licensing authority. Timely and thorough submission is crucial to avoid delays in the approval process.


    1. Review and Approval:
      • The regulatory authorities will review your application to assess compliance with industry standards and legal requirements. This may involve inspections or audits to ensure that your business operations align with the specified regulations. Upon successful review, the authorities grant approval for the issuance of licenses.


    1. Receive Issued Licenses:
      • Once your application is approved, you will receive the necessary licenses and permits. These documents serve as official authorization for your business to engage in specific activities. It’s like receiving a set of keys that unlock the doors to your industry, allowing you to operate within the legal framework.


    1. Display and Compliance:
      • Display your obtained licenses prominently within your business premises. This not only demonstrates your commitment to legal compliance but also provides transparency to customers, partners, and regulatory authorities. Ensure ongoing adherence to the terms and conditions outlined in the licenses.


  1. Renewal and Updates:
    • Licenses are typically not permanent. They often require periodic renewal to ensure ongoing compliance with evolving regulations. Stay informed about renewal deadlines and any updates to licensing requirements to maintain your business’s legal standing.
Business Setup Bh Logo for header

6. Comply with Tax Obligations

As your business gains momentum, the sixth step is dedicated to ensuring strict compliance with tax obligations in Turkey. Tax compliance is not just a legal requirement but a fundamental aspect of responsible business operations. Here’s an in-depth guide to navigate through this crucial phase:

  1. Register for Tax Identification Number (TIN):
    • To initiate your tax journey, register for a Tax Identification Number (TIN). This unique identifier is crucial for conducting financial transactions, meeting tax obligations, and engaging in various business activities.

  2. Understand Turkey’s Tax System:
    • Familiarize yourself with Turkey’s tax system, encompassing corporate income tax, value-added tax (VAT), and other relevant taxes. Each tax has specific rules and rates, and understanding these intricacies is vital for accurate reporting and compliance.

  3. Engage a Tax Professional:
    • Given the complexity of tax regulations, consider engaging the services of a tax professional or accountant. A qualified expert can provide valuable insights, ensuring that your business maximizes tax benefits while meeting all legal requirements.

  4. Maintain Accurate Financial Records:
    • Accurate financial records are the backbone of tax compliance. Keep thorough and well-organized records of income, expenses, and other financial transactions. This not only facilitates efficient tax filing but also helps in strategic financial planning.

  5. Register for VAT (if applicable):
    • Depending on your business activities, you may need to register for Value-Added Tax (VAT). VAT is applied to the sale of goods and services. Registration ensures that your business complies with VAT regulations, and you can collect and remit taxes appropriately.

  6. File Tax Returns:
    • Regularly file your business tax returns within the stipulated deadlines. This involves reporting your income, expenses, and other financial details to the relevant tax authorities. Timely and accurate filing is crucial to avoid penalties and maintain good standing.

  7. Stay Informed about Tax Updates:
    • Tax regulations may evolve, and staying informed about updates is imperative. Attend seminars, subscribe to updates from tax authorities, and consult with professionals to ensure your business remains in compliance with the latest tax laws.

  8. Plan for Annual Tax Audits:
    • Be prepared for annual tax audits, where tax authorities may review your financial records and compliance. A proactive approach, transparent record-keeping, and adherence to tax regulations will contribute to a smooth audit process.

  9. Seek Professional Guidance for International Taxation:
    • If your business engages in international transactions, seek professional guidance for international taxation. Understanding cross-border tax implications ensures that your business operates seamlessly in a global context.

7. Open a Corporate Bank Account

As your business progresses, the seventh step involves the establishment of a corporate bank account in Turkey. This financial step is crucial for managing transactions, facilitating business operations, and ensuring financial transparency. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigate through this pivotal stage:

  1. Select a Suitable Bank:
    • Begin by researching and selecting a reputable bank in Turkey. Consider factors such as services offered, fees, and accessibility. Engage with bank representatives to understand the specific requirements for opening a corporate account.

  2. Gather Necessary Documentation:
    • Prepare the required documentation for opening a corporate bank account. This typically includes your company’s registration documents, articles of association, the certificate of incorporation, proof of address, and identification documents for authorized signatories.

  3. Appointment with the Bank:
    • Schedule an appointment with the chosen bank to initiate the account opening process. During this meeting, present all necessary documents and discuss the specific features and requirements of your corporate account.

  4. Minimum Capital Deposit:
    • Some banks may require a minimum capital deposit to activate your corporate account. Ensure that you are aware of this requirement and have the necessary funds available for the deposit.

  5. Currency Considerations:
    • Decide on the currency in which you want to maintain your corporate account. Consider the nature of your business transactions and choose a currency that aligns with your financial needs.

  6. Authorization and Signatories:
    • Clearly define the authorized signatories for the corporate account. Determine who has the authority to conduct financial transactions on behalf of the company. This is a critical aspect to prevent unauthorized access and ensure financial control.

  7. Online Banking Services:
    • Inquire about the online banking services offered by the bank. A robust online platform allows you to efficiently manage and monitor your corporate finances, make transactions, and access financial statements remotely.

  8. Understand Banking Fees:
    • Familiarize yourself with the fees associated with the corporate account. This includes transaction fees, maintenance fees, and any other charges. Understanding the fee structure ensures transparency in your banking relationship.

  9. Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations:
    • Ensure that your business complies with Anti-Money Laundering regulations. Provide any additional documentation or information required by the bank to meet AML compliance standards.

  10. Activate and Monitor the Account:
  • Once the account is opened, activate it by depositing the initial funds. Regularly monitor account activity, review statements, and stay informed about any changes in banking policies or procedures.

You can establish various types of business entities, including Limited Liability Company (LLC), Joint-Stock Company, Branch Office, Liaison Office, and Cooperative.

The minimum capital requirements vary depending on the type of business entity. For example, an LLC requires a minimum capital, while a Joint-Stock Company has different requirements.

The typical steps include choosing a business name, preparing the necessary documentation, obtaining a tax number, opening a bank account, notarizing company documents, and registering with the Trade Registry Office.

Yes, foreign investors can own and operate a company in Turkey. There are no restrictions on foreign ownership in many sectors, but certain industries may have specific regulations.

Having a local director is mandatory for certain types of companies. The local director ensures compliance with Turkish regulations and represents the company in local matters.

Turkey offers various tax incentives for businesses, including tax reductions, exemptions, and investment allowances. These incentives may vary depending on the region and industry.

Companies in Turkey are required to maintain proper accounting records and prepare financial statements. Auditing is mandatory for certain companies, depending on their size and industry.

Yes, you can open a bank account for your company in Turkey. The bank will require various documents, including your company’s registration details and tax identification number.